niedziela, 11 lutego 2024

...sam bym tego lepiej nie ujął...

"The opinions of the American people mean nothing because they know nothing of the events that led up to the war. The eastward expansion of NATO and its Bucharest summit of 2008; the coup of 2014; the resurrection of the Neo-Nazis; the ban on all things Russian; the wrecking of the Minsk 2 accords; the 14,000 dead from the eight-year bombardment of the Russian-majority oblasts of the east; the rejection of all Russian initiatives for collective security; the wrecking of the Istanbul negotiations; and the easily-refutable Russian-committed “atrocities” against civilians. They know NOTHING of ANY of this because the “free press” keeps them in the dark and feeds them the absurd narrative that “Putin”, without any preparation for a real war, decides he is going to seize part of Ukraine with an absurdly small force.
Outside of the US/NATO propaganda bubble, however, people and governments understand all this, which explains the failure of the neo-con plan to isolate Russia economically and diplomatically."
 j.n. za "Asia Times"


"poniedziałek, 28 marca 2022

...Ukraina ?

...żaden problem natury militarnej dla Kremla ale...

współcześnie działania armii konwencjonalnych mocarstw pojmowane jako instrument polityczny w skali globalnej to już historia[1]...

natomiast użyte jako...


jak widać na przykładzie Ukrainy i


są jeszcze tymczasem użyteczne"...For Europe, a failure to peacefully coexist with neighbouring Russia may spell ages of challenges and woes. "Everybody is convinced that Europe is in danger."

For U.S., a weaker Europe serves its interest. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has offered the country an opportunity to reinforce its dominant role in the European security order, and possibly revive the so-called "American Era."..." - Xinhua Commentary: EU needs stronger strategic autonomy for more secure future-Xinhua (


[2] "..."tigger" z angielska - procedura informatyczna wykonywana automatycznie jako reakcja na pewne zdarzenia w tabeli bazy danych..." - Wyzwalacz – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia ..." - Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...Ukraina ? (