środa, 8 listopada 2023

...nie powiem, że jestem mistrzem ale

 ...odrobinę znam się na

...pieszczotach damsko męskich

dlatego nie najlepiej wróżę idei gry końcowej Izraela jeśli

mimo upływu kilkudziesięciu lat od roku 1948 społeczność międzynarodowa nie zaakceptowała jeszcze...

raz na zawsze ostatecznie jego gry wstępnej (...)...

"...We need to present to the international community our idea of an endgame,” he [Ehud Olmert]* added..." j.n.

...Ehud Olmert ? - proszę bardzo...

"An Israeli government report on the 2006 Lebanon war excoriated him for his "very severe failures." His approval rating hovers around 3%. Now his Foreign Minister has called for him to resign. Yes, it has been a difficult stretch for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel. But Olmert has told his critics to "slow down" and called an emergency cabinet meeting, after which he said he would take the report's findings to heart but had no intention of resigning..." j.n.

...3% ? - rozumiem pana Olmerta jeśli czytam

"...Netanyahu’s approval ratings have hit rock bottom since the attack. A mid-October poll showed Israelis believe the failure to prevent the Hamas onslaught exposed a “leadership debacle” with two-thirds wanting anyone but Netanyahu to be the country’s next prime minister.

In another survey 44 percent of respondents said Netanyahu is responsible for what happened October 7.

Only 18 percent of Israelis thought that he doesn’t have to leave office. Seventy-six percent want him out of office sooner or later..."
 j.w. "Politico" /interlinie T.L./...

...co prawda to prawda; 18% to nie nazbyt wiele ale...

jak znam się na arytmetyce

dużo więcej od 3%...

6 razy więcej...


...gdzie nie spojrzysz to jak nie ekspert, były premier kryminalista* to


niechby chociaż haruspik**

"Ultimately, the Israel-Palestine conflict threatens to destabilize an already fragile world order..." j.n.

...ale nie - znowu jakiś "...writer and consultant

... a political analyst who focuses..."...

z dobrą radą

"...Ultimately, the Israel-Palestine conflict threatens to destabilize an already fragile world order. For the sake of innocent lives and global stability, responsible states must urgently pursue peace and work toward a package deal that includes a resolution on such issues as borders, settlements, security, and Palestinian sovereignty..." - j.w. "Asia Times"

...a co z Izraelem ? - zapytam retorycznie bowiem...


jeśli sam nie zadba o siebie to tylko patrzyć jak

znowu opinia publiczna świata wyśle Dzieci Izraela "na Madagaskar"...

...albo i gdzie indziej...


* "...is an Israeli politician and lawyer. He served as the 12th Prime Minister of Israel from 2006 to 2009 and before that as a cabinet minister from 1988 to 1992 and from 2003 to 2006. Between his first and second stints as a cabinet member, he served as mayor of Jerusalem from 1993 to 2003. 

After serving as prime minister, he was sentenced to serve a prison term over convictions for accepting bribes and for obstruction of justice during his terms as mayor of Jerusalem and as trade minister..." - Ehud Olmert - Wikipedia

** "...In the religion of ancient Rome, a haruspex was a person trained to practise a form of divination called haruspicy, the inspection of the entrails of sacrificed animals, especially the livers of sacrificed sheep and poultry..." Haruspex - Wikipedia