piątek, 3 listopada 2023

...a nie ?

"...A “good Muslim woman of colour” must be unconditionally loyal to the US. She must frequently pepper her speech with comments and statements underlining how grateful she is to be in the US. How lucky she is to live in a country ruled by white men and women who uphold liberal values of democracy, equality, and freedom; irrespective of whether she benefits from these proclaimed values or not..." j.n.

za Saharą Aziz "...Professor of law and Chancellor's Social Justice Scholar at Rutgers Law School..."

i autorką...

...fakt; w punkt...

dziś bowiem Islam to już na pewno w pierwszym rzędzie nie religia a

wyznawcy Koranu to rasa właśnie...

nowi Übermensche...

przykładem niechby tylko samej Aziz która będąc dzieckiem indoktrynowana w amerykańskiej szkole

"...“I was indoctrinated by American schools into believing that America was special [...] of extreme civil rights violations didn’t happen here,” she says..." j.w.

nie wróciła do Egiptu a postanowiła...

ucywilizować Amerykę...

nie ona pierwsza i ostatnia

"...When the Nation of Islam[1] was created in the early 1900s, it was the first time that you saw African Americans adopt a Muslim identity as a community. And this community was created with a very specific political purpose, which was to challenge white supremacy and to adopt Black nationalism..." j.w. "Time"

ale to oczywiście nie moja sprawa...

przez sympatię tylko do moich amerykańskich znajomych i przyjaciół rasy białej piszę...

potomków pasażerów "Mayflower" i etosu[2] milionów Europejczyków którego symbolem jest nowojorska Ellis Island...

okazjonalnym dopowiedzeniem

...na dobry początek kolejnego weekendu ? - a niby czemu nie jeśli czytam

"...Saudi Arabia has expressed interest in buying a multibillion-dollar stake in the Indian Premier League, international cricket’s most lucrative event, following a string of investments in football and golf.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s advisers have sounded out Indian government officials about moving the IPL into a holding company valued at as much as $30 billion, in which Saudi Arabia would then take a significant stake, people familiar with the matter said. The talks were held when MBS visited India in September, the people said, asking not to be named as the information is not public..."

i zaraz obok

"Saudi Arabia’s leaders donated over $13 million (SAR 50 million) to a fundraising campaign for Gaza.

Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz donated $8 million (SAR 30 million) and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gave $5 million (SAR 20 million) to the campaign launched on Thursday, the Saudi Press Agency reported..."
- j.w. collage by T.L.


[1] "The Nation of Islam (NOI) is a religious and political organization founded in the United States by Wallace Fard Muhammad in 1930. A black nationalist organization, the NOI focuses its attention on the African diaspora, especially on African Americans..." - Nation of Islam - Wikipedia

[2] "Ethos [...] is a Greek word meaning "character" that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation, or ideology; and the balance between caution, and passion..." - Ethos - Wikipedia