środa, 17 maja 2023

...oczywista oczywistość jeśli czytam

"...A key problem understanding the war in Ukraine is the reliability of sources of information, a problem that relates to the fact that both sides specialize in disinformation and fake news. That said, the information coming from Bakhmut so far is confirmed. The rumors about the fate of Ukraine’s generals are not confirmed." jak niżej by Stephen Bryen na "Asia Times"[1]

...i nie muszę powtarzać[2], że

"...The battle for Bakhmut is Zelensky’s battle, because he demanded that his army stay there and fight even after his commanders told him it was too costly and not worth taking needless losses..."

...zmienili zdanie 

"...Recently his top commanders have put out statements that the fight was worth it..."


"...It is likely Zelensky demanded these statements of support..." ?...

widać nie wiele im to pomogło jeśli czytam dalej

"...The Ukrainian army leadership also is in doubt. Its top leader, General Valery Zaluzhny, seemingly has disappeared. And so, too, has General Aleksandr Syrskyi, commander of the Ukrainian ground forces. There are no answers but plenty of rumors.

One rumor is that Zelensky went on his European tour while the military opposition was eliminated. Another is that these two generals were involved in corruption and were caught. A third rumor is that both were killed in a missile strike..."
 j.w. "The end of Bakhmut"

pomijając resztę

"...The US and NATO response is to stuff Ukraine with tons of modern weapons, some of which the Russians are blowing up before they ever get near a battlefield..."

...z braku innego wyboru w poprawności monologu  wracając do początku

"...A key problem understanding the war in Ukraine is the reliability of sources of information, a problem that relates to the fact that both sides specialize in disinformation and fake news. That said, the information coming from Bakhmut so far is confirmed. The rumors about the fate of Ukraine’s generals are not confirmed."...

w oryginale sygnowanym przez pana Stephena Bryena będącym końcem jego wywodu...

[1] "...This article was originally published on his Substack, Weapons and Strategy. Asia Times is republishing it with permission." j.w. "Asia Times"