niedziela, 21 maja 2023

...dziwne ?

"...[...] strange is that Zelensky himself would run off to the G-7 meeting in Hiroshima, Japan just as one of Ukraine’s most important battles concluded. There is a sense, no more than that, that there is substantial political turmoil in Kiev that could change the direction of the country and the war." j.n.

...jeśli jest tu coś dziwnego to nic ponad jak tylko to, że

dziwi się nie kto inny jak pracownik naukowy  " the Center for Security Policy and the Yorktown Institute..." pan Stephen Bryen /j.w./.

...trwająca ponad dziewięć miesięcy obrona zdaniem amerykańskich ekspertów nie mającego znaczenia militarnego miasta poszła na marne ? 

"...The last few urban blocks of eastern Bakhmut that Wagner Group has claimed to capture are not tactically or operationally significant, the Institute for the Study of War said in their latest assessment..." j.n.

i dalej

"...Ukrainian sources are claiming Bakhmut was unimportant, the long battle over nine months was ordered by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, reportedly against the advice of his military commanders..." j.w. "Asia Times"

...nic bardziej mylnego - ofiara krwi ukraińskich żołnierzy w Bahmucie nie poszła na marne...

Zelenski postrzegany znad Potomac River został w końcu uznany w Washingtonie za nowego "Ngô Đình Diệma" a Ukraina pod jego przywództwem drugą szansą dla  USA dosłownie za Wietnam...

"... In Ukraine, the United States has a chance to demonstrate its strategic resolve, to avoid the failure of Vietnam and, in turn, prevent a Eurasian strategic confrontation with nuclear implications..." j.n. by Seth Cropsey

...i żadne to weekendowe żarty jeszcze tymczasem tylko przy porannym kubku kawy...

a fakty

cartoon by T.L. be continued ? - jak Ten co nad nami pozwoli...