piątek, 28 kwietnia 2023

...w tym "spektaklu wrestlingowym 1:0 dla Zelenskiego" to za mało powiedziane...

złoty medal olimpijski, "Oskar" albo "Nobel" brzmi już lepiej jeśli czytam

"BEIJING, April 27 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday held phone talks with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky..."

i zaraz dalej

"...During their conversation, Xi reiterated China's core position on promoting peace talks between Ukraine and Russia, and announced that Beijing will send a special representative on Eurasian affairs to visit Ukraine and other countries to conduct in-depth communication with all parties on the political settlement of the crisis.

dopełnione kuriozalnym (...) porównaniem...

China's commitment to helping achieve the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis reminds the headline-grabbing rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran not long ago, which was also a result of China's selfless diplomatic work..." j.n. za Agencją "Xinhua" i "Renmin Ribao"[1]

...czym może Xi Jiping przelicytować amerykańską obietnicę obecności Ukrainy Zelenskiego w NATO i jego komisarzy w "Brukseli" o reszcie (...) nie wspominając ? - nie wiem...

...bo chyba nie...

ukraińskim Sachalinem i Kamczatką - w weekendowym już nastroju dopowiem...

"pożyjemy zobaczymy" powiadają...

- A poważnie ? - proszę bardzo...

"...The real question is, how can China become a Buddha, [...]? The answer in Xiyouji[2] was, surrender to Buddha. Who is Buddha now, and what would be surrendering to him now?..."

[1] "The People's Daily (Chinese: 人民日报; pinyin: Rénmín Rìbào) is the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It provides direct information on the policies and viewpoints of the CCP in multiple languages..." - People's Daily - Wikipedia

[2] "...“The Journey to the West” (Xiyouji) is [...] the story of the difficult conversion of China to Buddhism in the first centuries of the Christian era, culminating in the seventh-century Tang dynasty. Perhaps something of the sort is happening now with Western modernity..." - Is China cornered? – Asia Times