wtorek, 21 marca 2023

...hipokryzja ? - delikatnie powiedziane

...jeśli czytam u samego źródła

"...On the basis of evidence collected and analysed by my Office pursuant to its independent investigations, the Pre-Trial Chamber has confirmed that there are reasonable grounds to believe that President Putin and Ms Lvova-Belova bear criminal responsibility for the unlawful deportation and transfer of Ukrainian children from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, contrary to article 8(2)(a)(vii) and article 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute.

Incidents identified by my Office include the deportation of at least hundreds of children taken from orphanages and children’s care homes.

Many of these children, we allege, have since been given for adoption in the Russian Federation. The law was changed in the Russian Federation, through Presidential decrees issued by President Putin, to expedite the conferral of Russian citizenship, making it easier for them to be adopted by Russian families.

My Office alleges that these acts, amongst others, demonstrate an intention to permanently remove these children from their own country. At the time of these deportations, the Ukrainian children were protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.


In September last year, I addressed the United Nations Security Council and emphasised that the investigation of alleged illegal deportation of children from Ukraine was a priority for my Office.
The human impact of these crimes was also made clear during my most recent visit to Ukraine.

While there, I visited one of the care homes from which children were allegedly taken, close to the current frontlines of the conflict.

We must ensure that those responsible for alleged crimes are held accountable and that children are returned to their families and communities. [...]

Since taking up my position as Prosecutor, I have emphasised that the law must provide shelter to the most vulnerable on the front lines, and that we also must put the experiences of children in conflict at the centre of our work..." j.n /interlinie T.L./

i dalej...

"...Pre-Trial Chamber II considered, based on the Prosecution’s applications of 22 February 2023, that

there are reasonable grounds to believe that each suspect bears responsibility for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population and that of unlawful transfer of population from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, in prejudice of Ukrainian children..." j.n. /interlinia T.L./

...wedle prokuratora i sędziów The International Criminal Court ewakuacja - niech będzie i nawet wywózka nie na Sybir przecież czy "do Kazachstanu a do Moswy[1] - przez Rosjan  dzieci /sierot, chorych/ - j.w. "...from orphanages and children’s care homes..." z linii frontu i jego bezpośredniego zaplecza  

zbrodnią wojenną a

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