niedziela, 26 marca 2023

..."Dangerous and irresponsible..." ?...

...przeciwne - dopuszczalnie przewidywalne by nie napisać

w nieuniknionym oczekiwane jeśli czytam

"...Russia can be militarily defeated with only a remote risk of non-strategic nuclear use, let alone a strategic nuclear exchange...."

a zaraz dalej

"...The US is unlikely to win an Asian war within this decade. Put more precisely, the only way the US could win an Asian non-strategic nuclear war with China is through luck – China would need to experience an economic shock so great that it fractures politically, a remote proposition considering the frailty of the American economy..." by Seth Cropsey / founder and president of Yorktown Institute. He served as a US naval officer and as deputy undersecretary of the navy..źródło: US needs assertive Eurasia strategy – Asia Times via  ...w kontynuacji monologu "...What is the world we live in?..."[1] (

...znamiennym na koniec

"...The United States’ centuries-old interest in assuring its economic and military security by preventing the rise of a hegemonic power in Europe applies no less to Eurasia, the landmass that stretches from the English Channel to the Taiwan Strait.

The Russia-Iran-North Korea-China axis demonstrates the potential of a large and hostile ascendant challenge. So does the current European war in which the US and China face each other through the proxies of Ukraine and Russia.

The Second Cold War threatens to be hotter than its predecessor. US geo-strategy requires a far more comprehensive scope now and in the future if it is to protect Americans’ security."

...w czym nawet przy bezmiarze oceanu dobrej woli trudno doszukać się


niechby tylko państw Europy...

Francji, Niemiec i tak dalej

...o Ukrainie, Polsce, Litwie, Łotwie czy Estonii nie wspominając...

odnotowaniem niechby tylko sobie i Muzom na dobranoc.