pod datą 11 tego miesiąca za ONZ
"...According to the UN, almost 8 million Ukrainians, or 20% of the population, have been forced to leave the country because of the war..." - j.n.
a zaraz "obok" z tą samą sygnaturą kalendarzową na stronie "Al Jazeera" czytam
"...According to the UN refugee agency, there have been more than 16 million border crossings out of Ukraine since the Russian invasion began in February. Many people have sought refuge in neighbouring countries..."......to w poprawności monologu za "Wikipedią" już choćby tylko przez wzgląd na "szewski poniedziałek" by nie dać się zwariować
przypomnę sobie co to dzisiaj to "...Independent..." nie tylko po ukraińsku ale i
angielsku faktycznie znaczy
The newspaper was controlled by Tony O'Reilly's Irish Independent News & Media from 1997 until it was sold to the Russian oligarch and former KGB Officer Alexander Lebedev in 2010. In 2017, Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel bought a 30% stake in it..."[1]
...i dalej tamże
"...A central tenet of the Reichsbürgers’ fuzzy narrative is that Germany has become a U.S. vassal, a pawn on the chessboard of American colonialism. Unsurprisingly, members of the group, including Prince Heinrich, are also pro-Russian..." by Matthew Karnitschnig...
...ciąg dalszy nastąpi kolejnym zapisem monologu ? - jeśli Ten co nad nami pozwoli bez wątpienia...
cartoon © by T.L.
The putsch brought Hitler to the attention of the German nation for the first time and generated front-page headlines in newspapers around the world..."[3]
...cokolwiek to tu kontekstowo może znaczyć i
w egzystencjalno fenomenologicznej poprawności monologu prowincjusza już nieodwracalnie znaczy...