niedziela, 20 listopada 2022


..."...Zawiodła polityka informacyjna władz..." 

...dopowiem sobie niemo - chybione

...w poprawności monologu dodając; Obywatele Pospolitej przez sprawujących w niej rządy zostali swego czasu poinformowani "co jest grane"...

"...W tej wojnie Polska jest, Ukraino, twoim zapleczem, Polska jest twoim sojusznikiem, Polska jest domem, bracia, dla waszych rodzin i dzieci. 

I nie ma wśród Polaków żadnej dyskusji na ten temat..." - j.w. /interlinia T.L./...

i jeśli o tym piszę to tylko z nadzieją, że

...może w końcu kiedyś niechby tylko piszący dla "OKO press" przetłumaczą sobie poprawnie z angielskiego na nasze nie tylko treść ale i jego zawartą pomiędzy wierszami istotę przykładem pierwszym z brzegu

..."...The intangible benefits of continued United States support for Ukraine are related to the discussion [...] about the need for unity in opposing Russia’s aggression.

The West’s commitment to Ukraine in the face of substantial consequent economic challenges sends an unquestionable message to China.

As the prospect of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan grows, the United States’ commitment to Ukraine provides a demonstration to China - an example of what the Chinese can, at a minimum, expect from the United States and the West if China were to attack Taiwan


"...There are also fears that the United States’ has provided a “blank check” to Ukraine and that the spending is egregious.

To put in perspective what has been achieved by the Ukrainians with the military aid it has received, the United States has provided Ukraine with a little less than $20 billion in military equipment, munitions, and weapons during the past year.

For less than 3 percent of its annual military budget from the previous fiscal year, the United States has contributed to the destruction of almost eight thousand Russian military vehicles and pieces of heavy equipment since the beginning of the war, including roughly 1,500 of Russia’s most modern tanks.

Sounds like a bargain..."[1]...

w żadnym razie nie po to by zasłużyć sobie na uznanie prowincjonalnego poety barowego a...

w dobrze pojętym interesie własnym, swoich dzieci i wnuków...

"On the cusp of winter, a blooming international political spring is in the air. An atmosphere of optimism has prevailed over this year’s G20 summit as the US and China, the world’s two largest economies, saw their deteriorating relations come to a halt. “The world has come to a crossroads. Where to go from here,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping, and US President Joe Biden stated: “I absolutely believe there need not be a new Cold War.”

Urging the immediate peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine, called for by both Russia and the US, is yet another key indicator of its great impact on the political and economic world..."

Dla współcześnie "Wielkiej Trójki" 

...Ukraina, Polska i w końcu Europa mniej lub bardziej zjednoczona [prawie...] niczym nie jest geopolitycznie swoim znaczeniem różna od...

Wietnamu, Afganistanu, Iraku, Syrii czy Libii może tylko z tą różnicą, że w przeciwieństwie do tamtych...

ma jeszcze "przez chwilę"[3] wybór (...)...

jak i inni wbrew pozorom[4] go mają

...stosownym odnotowaniem na dobry początek kolejnego tygodnia mając ku temu tym razem aż nazbyt oczywistą okazję

"Former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori has criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, implying it is not fair to blame only Russian President Vladimir Putin over the ongoing war.


“I don’t quite understand why only President Putin is criticized while Mr. Zelenskyy isn’t taken to task at all. Mr. Zelenskyy has made many Ukrainian people suffer,” Mori told a political gathering in Tokyo on Friday..." - j.w. za "The Japan Times"


[1] "Modern War Institute" at West Point via Przy porannym kubku kawy: nie tyle oskarżenie (

[2] Is this a new era in US-Russian-Chinese relations? | Al Arabiya English

[3] "...The head of Ukraine's biggest private energy firm says people should consider leaving the country to reduce demand on the country's power network. [...]

the damaged energy system is still unable to produce enough electricity to meet current needs, so any way of reducing usage - including leaving the country - should be seen as helping Ukraine to win the war against Russia, Mr Timchenko explained..." - Leave if you can to save energy - Ukraine power boss - BBC News 

.../marginalnie; "According to the UN refugee agency, there have been more than 15.3 million border crossings out of Ukraine since the Russian invasion began in February..." Russia-Ukraine war in maps and charts: Live Tracker | Infographic News | Al Jazeera cokolwiek to tu moze znaczyć... i znaczy/

[4] "..."The Japanese media practices a one-sided approach, they act in accordance with Western sources of information. I can't shake the feeling that they use only American and European media publications," Mori noted..." - j.w. TASS