środa, 5 października 2022

...z jednym małym "ale"...

usłyszałem i dalej...

jeśli "Twitter" liczy w przybliżeniu 229 miliony aktywnych co dzień użytkowników

a w ankiecie rozpisanej na nim przez Zelenskiego wzięło udział do tej pory 2 miliony i 400 tysięcy z kawałkiem zainteresowanych

czyli ~1,06% społeczności to...

cokolwiek ta ankieta dla zainteresowanych może znaczyć nie znaczy jednego...

szczególnego zainteresowania  

hashtagiem "Ukraina" nawet...

w euroatlantyckim Internecie[2] - nie wspominając o reszcie...

"...According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, two-thirds of the world’s population live in countries who are neutral about the war or support Russia..."[1]

...w statystycznej poprawności ~20% współmieszkańców globalnej wioski /j.w. ankieta/ świadomych istoty...

demokracji spod szyldu ukraińskiego "Tryzuba"

"...Zelensky may be the TikTok Churchill and a champion of Ukrainian democracy, but he has taken some decidedly undemocratic actions at home.
This wasn’t much reported on in the West, but it was headline news in Russia and China. Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev posted the following on his Telegram channel: “The most democratic president of Modern Ukraine has taken another step towards the Western idea of democracy… He completely banned any activity by opposition parties in Ukraine. Well done!”..."[1]...

...czemu w poprawności monologu trudno nie przyznać racji niechby tylko niezobowiązującym odnotowaniem w kontynuacji zapisu monologu wczorajszego[3]...

cartoon © by T.L.


[1] Putin May Just Be Winning the Information War | Time

[2] "...Part of the reason for this is that two-thirds of the world doesn’t see the war that we see. That is due to the balkanization of the internet, which Russia is in part responsible for. Today, there are three internets. There’s the American and Western internet which we think of as the internet. There’s the unfree internet in places like Russia, Turkey, and India where content is restricted and policed. And then there’s the Chinese internet, which is censored and not at all free. The Chinese internet - used by one out of five of the world’s internet users - is pro-Russian. In the unfree internet of Turkey and India and the rest, they get much of their information about the war from Russian state media. They are not seeing Zelensky’s nightly invocations to democracy. They are seeing images of noble Russian soldiers. Two of the most popular hashtags on the Indian internet are #IStandWithPutin and #IStandWithRussia..." - źródło j.w. [1]

[3] Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...brawo ! - 1:0 dla Zelenskiego vs. Musk