sobota, 8 października 2022

..."...Saudis said..."...

 a ja tylko powtórzę...

"...that if the United States wanted more oil on the markets, it should start producing more of its own..." - j.n.[1]

...pół żartem, pół serio na dobry początek kolejnego weekendu

niechby tylko przez wzgląd na to jedno darując sobie 

kontynuację wątku o różnicy mentalnej pomiędzy Homo 

"..."I thought the whole point of selling arms to the Gulf States despite their human rights abuses, nonsensical Yemen War, working against US interests in Libya, Sudan etc, was that when an international crisis came, the Gulf could choose America over Russia/China," Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat, said on Twitter..." - j.w.

...a Homo sapiens[2]...

[1] "...The United States is the world's No. 1 oil producer and also its top consumer, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration..." tamże