czwartek, 20 października 2022 dobranoc i...

bez urazy proszę, każdy ma swoje priorytety - na dobry początek kolejnego weekendu...

"...Hard evidence of gaps in US military readiness can be found in the Wall Street Journal, which published an informative report on how “the war in Ukraine has depleted American stocks of some types of ammunition and the Pentagon has been slow to replenish its arsenal, sparking concerns among US officials that American military readiness could be jeopardized by the shortage.” 

To make matters worse, Americans of military age seem to have little interest in joining the armed forces..." - j.n.

i dalej

"...Could the U.S. lose a war with China?

That alarming possibility was one of the last things I ever discussed in person with my old boss, Sen. John McCain. In late 2017, we had just left a briefing that he had asked me to arrange for his colleagues about China’s growing arsenal of precision-strike missiles, long-range sensors, counter-space capabilities and other advanced weapons. Every senator was invited to the briefing; about a dozen showed up. They got a depressing dose of reality.

One briefer was a senior Pentagon official in the Obama administration named David Ochmanek.

Last year, he spoke publicly about the many war games he has conducted for the Department of Defense.

“When we fight China or Russia,” Mr. Ochmanek said, the U.S. military “gets its ass handed to it. We lose a lot of people. We lose a lot of equipment. 

We usually fail to achieve our objective of preventing aggression by the adversary.”..." - j.n. /interlinie T.L./ prawda to cytat za "The Wall Street Journal" by Christian Brose datowany na maj 2020 roku ale...

wydaje się nie bez powodu przywołany dzisiaj na stronie "Al Arabiya" w treści zatytułowanej "...Making many enemies at once kills superpowers" by Jeremy Stern j.n.

...gdzie i na dobranoc i na dobry początek kolejnego weekendu albo i innej stosownej ku temu okazji można sobie na koniec przeczytać

"...The Biden-Harris strategy does not seem aware, or willing to accept, that one obvious consequence of the effort to expel Russia from the global trade and financial system while framing the conflict as a “competition between democracies and autocracies” was that it would push Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran closer together, while trying to force other countries into the unhappy position of having to choose a side.

“We will support effective democratic governance responsive to citizen needs, defend human rights and combat gender-based violence, tackle corruption, and protect against external interference or coercion,” the document states, “including from the [People’s Republic of China], Russia, or Iran.”

Good luck with that."
 - j.w. /interlinie T.L./