piątek, 28 października 2022

...gdybym skądinąd nie wiedział

...z jakiej perspektywy pan Xi Jiping /Chińczycy.../ postrzega czas

"..."Our understanding of time is measured in centuries or millennia," Xi said..."[1]

to czytając

"...“The world today is neither peaceful nor tranquil,” Xi wrote in a congratulatory letter to the National Committee on US-China Relations – some of his first remarks since the Congress – according to Chinese state broadcaster CCTV.

“As major powers, strengthening communication and cooperation between China and the US will help to increase global stability and certainty, and promote world peace and development,” he reportedly told the New York-based non-profit organization.

Xi added that China was “willing to work with the US to give mutual respect, coexist peacefully... [and] find ways to get along in the new era,” the broadcaster reported.

Doing so “will not only be good for both countries, but also benefit the world,” Xi wrote..."
 - j.n.

...jeśli i nawet powodowany kurtuazją względem Sekretarza Generalnego Komitetu Centralnego KPCh nie napisał bym "Who said this..." to bez cienia wątpliwości "...to whom ?" już tak

tym bardziej jeśli czytam dalej

"...The Biden administration said this month that China is the only competitor to the United States “with both the intent to reshape the international order and, increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to advance that objective.”.." tamże

...a zaraz "obok"

"...In November 2019, when Der Spiegel asked Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar to comment on the view of some Western observers that India is a counterbalance Chinese influence in Asia, he replied: “I find the idea of being someone else’s pawn in some ‘Great Game’ terribly condescending. . . ."

...i dalej

"...More recently, at September’s UN General Assembly meeting, Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong declared that “small and medium sized nations” such as hers “are more than just supporting players in a grand drama of geopolitics.”..." za Agencją "TASS" czy może "Xinhua" ? 

w żadnym razie

nie inaczej jak za...

"Modern War Institute" at West Point by Ali Wyne[2]

[2] "... is a senior analyst with Eurasia Group’s Global Macro-Geopolitics practice. He is the author of America’s Great-Power Opportunity: Revitalizing U.S. Foreign Policy to Meet the Challenges of Strategic Competition..." j.n.