czwartek, 1 września 2022

...w poprawności monologu nie "...czy dowodzi..."...

...a czy "...były polski gangster..." to

...właściwy człowiek we właściwym czasie na właściwym miejscu jeśli czytam...

"...According to reports in Polish media, in Poland, Piotr Kapuscinski is known as “Broda” (Beard), an influential former member of the Pruszków gang, once the largest mafia in the country.

He was the right-hand man of the group’s inner leadership, "Wanka" and "Malizna," and

laundered money for them,

according to Mariusz Kaminski, a vice president of the Law and Justice party and currently Interior Minister of Poland and a coordinator of Poland’s secret services..." - j.w. "The Kyiv Independent" /interlinie T.L./

...i zaraz obok

"... The members of the Legion’s unit say that they reported their commanders’ misconduct to Ukrainian law enforcement, the parliament, and President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Office, but saw no proper reaction and thus turned to journalists as a last resort..." - j.w. "The Kyiv..."

..."...The foreign soldiers say they did not want to publicize the crisis in the International Legion and tried to solve the issue behind the scenes.

They first complained to their commanders, then lawmakers, and finally went as far as the President’s Office. Since the Legion was created upon Zelensky’s order, foreign fighters counted on his administration's support, but did not get much help from there, they said.

Alyona Verbytska, the president’s commissioner for soldiers’ rights, told the Kyiv Independent she had informed her superiors about the legionnaires’ complaints. She did not elaborate on who exactly she reported to.

In the President’s Office, two people oversee the Legion for Zelensky, according to the Kyiv Independent’s sources close to the Office. They are Vitaliy Martyniuk, a national security expert, and Roman Mashovets, deputy head of the Office and former employee of the GUR intelligence agency.

The President’s Office did not reply to the Kyiv Independent’s request for comment before publication.

Complaining to the President’s Office didn’t work out. Things even got worse, the soldiers said, as those who sounded an alarm about the Legion’s leadership started to feel under pressure and receive threats..."
 - tamże...

...retorycznym pytaniem bowiem...

począwszy od "Langley"

...poprzez Pentagon, United States Department of State, Gabinet Owalny The White House, "Brukselę", "Paryż", "Berlin" i...



"offenes Geheimnis" albo jak kto woli z angielska

"an open secret"[1]...

"...jaja jak berety" - usłyszałem od znajomego "Małolata" 

- A żebyś wiedział - pomyślałem...

"WASHINGTON (AP) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's dismissal of senior officials is casting an inconvenient light on an issue that the Biden administration has largely ignored since the outbreak of war with Russia: Ukraine's history of rampant corruption and shaky governance.

As it presses ahead with providing tens of billions of dollars in military, economic and direct financial support aid to Ukraine and encourages its allies to do the same, the Biden administration is now once again grappling with longstanding worries about Ukraine's suitability as a recipient of massive infusions of American aid..."
 - j.n. by The Associated Press

...jak nie bez racji powiadają Zelenskyy to bez wątpienia ani...

Dzierżyński, ani Stalin (...)

i ci co "kręcą ukraińskie lody" też o tym wiedzą...

"...The ability to delay Russia’s success - the success that most observers anticipated would come quickly - created an opportunity for Ukraine to impose costs on Russia’s military and economy while reducing Russia’s prestige as a global power. As the conflict endures, it will be harder and harder for Ukraine and Zelenskyy to maintain attention share from the global community, but the fact that it has reached this point - six months into the conflict and still fighting - is a function of its effective use of digital tools in the information environment from the war’s outset to shape the battlefield..."[3]

...nad Potomc River również

"...It's a delicate issue for the Biden administration. With billions in aid flowing to Ukraine, the White House continues to make the case for supporting Zelenskyy's government to an American public increasingly focused on domestic issues like high gas prices and inflation. High-profile supporters of Ukraine in both parties also want to avoid a backlash that could make it more difficult to pass future aid packages.

U.S. officials are quick to say that Zelenskyy is well within his right to appoint whomever he wants to senior positions, including the prosecutor general, and remove anyone who he sees as collaborating with Russia..."
 - j.w. National Public Radio

...stosownym dopowiedzeniem w języku pinterestiańskim na koniec

cartoon © by T.L.

...koniec tego monologu.

[1] " a concept or idea that is "officially" (de jure) secret or restricted in knowledge, but in practice (de facto) is widely known; or it refers to something that is widely known to be true but which none of the people most intimately concerned are willing to categorically acknowledge in public..." Open secret - Wikipedia

[2] "NPR is an independent, nonprofit media organization that was founded on a mission to create a more informed public. Every day, NPR connects with millions of Americans on the air, online, and in person to explore the news, ideas, and what it means to be human. Through its network of member stations, NPR makes local stories national, national stories local, and global stories personal. [...]

53 million weekly audience across platforms. Listeners and readers experience NPR across a full range of platforms including radio, smart speakers,, social media, live events, NPR apps and podcasts..." - About NPR : NPR