czwartek, 22 września 2022

...choć wiem, że...

nad Potomac River i przy Downing Street 

istotą co innego znaczy tam i

przy prowincjonalnym kontuarze baru "Ptyś" 

"...Putin's threats must be taken seriously..."...

to zacytuję niechby tylko po to by

...jeszcze tymczasem tylko przy kolejnym kubku kawy napisać

"to late" co najmniej o ~27 lat czyli

od czasu zawłaszczenia... 


przez Ukrainę[1]

"Take Putin’s Nuclear Threat Seriously, But Not Too Seriously..." ?

...zaatlantyckie zabawy w "na dwoje babka wróżyła" to nie problem "Putina, Kremla, Moskwy" czy na koniec w poprawności monologu Rosji...

im nie trzeba przypominać amerykańskich motywacji...

"..."We’re paying another country to fight a horrible war on its own soil so that we won’t have to fight a worse one on the soil of a NATO ally,” Frederick Kagan of the American Enterprise Institute told me. “It’s rather cold-blooded put that way, don’t you think?"

The US and Ukraine have a classic patron-client relationship. These are always fraught, because the parties have different levels of power and different national interests, even when they share a common enemy. The closer Ukraine gets to winning this war, the more those differences may come into view..."
by Hal Brands j.n.

...a że to "zabawa" w "Ucznia czarnoksiężnika"[3] ? - powtórzę...

 to nie problem "Putina, Kremla, Moskwy" czy na koniec w poprawności monologu Rosji...


[1] "The Republic of Crimea was the interim name of a polity on the Crimean peninsula between the dissolution of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1992 and the abolition of the Crimean Constitution by the Ukrainian Parliament in 1995. This period was one of conflict with the Ukrainian government over the levels of autonomy that Crimea enjoyed in relation to Ukraine and links between the ethnically Russian Crimea[2] and the Russian Federation..."Republic of Crimea (1992–1995) - Wikipedia

[2] "...As of 1994, ethnic Russians constituted approximately 70% of the population of Crimea..." tamże

[3] "L'Apprenti Sorcier" Paul Dukas, "Der Zauberlehrling" Goethe streszczeniem "...Der Zauberlehrling ist alleine und probiert einen Zauberspruch seines Meisters aus. Er verwandelt mittels Zauberspruch einen Besen in einen Knecht, der Wasser schleppen muss. Anfänglich ist der Zauberlehrling stolz auf sein Können, doch bald merkt er, wie er der Situation nicht mehr gewachsen ist..." Der Zauberlehrling – Wikipedia

/...Goethe's "Der Zauberlehrling" is well known in the German-speaking world. The lines in which the apprentice implores the returning sorcerer to help him with the mess he created have turned into a cliché, especially the line "Die Geister, die ich rief" ("The spirits that I summoned"), a simplified version of one of Goethe's lines "Die ich rief, die Geister, / Werd' ich nun nicht los" - "The spirits that I summoned / I now cannot rid myself of again", which is often used to describe someone who summons help or allies that the individual cannot control, especially in politics.../ The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Wikipedia