niedziela, 31 lipca 2022 jeszcze do tego potrzebny gaz ?...

...przecież pan Kaczyński i pan Morawiecki zapewniali, że dla bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski wystarczy tylko wybudować "Baltic Pipe"[1]...

cóż, jak powiadają "starość nie radość" - sam w nierozważnym zaufaniu do sprawujących nad Wisłą władzę o tym nie pomyślałem...

a jak widać powinienem

...ale nie o tym miało być a o

...oczywistej oczywistości

"...When the world last faced such a major energy crisis, the Allies had significant control over the world’s oil supplies. British Petroleum and its predecessors, and the forefathers of the modern United States energy majors, controlled most of the Middle East’s petroleum at the dawn of World War II. Britain established the Petroleum Warfare Department and the Petroleum Board – which brought together all allied energy firms, including US ones even before Pearl Harbor brought the US into the conflict directly – to coordinate supplies for the war..." - j.n. "Al Jazeera" by Maximilian Hess

...która - jak widać - nie dla wszystkich jest oczywista

"...Today, thanks to another autocrat, Vladimir Putin, the Saudi prince is back in demand. After Putin invaded Ukraine in February, the price of crude shot up. Boris Johnson was on a plane within weeks. Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, previously a sworn enemy of the crown prince, embraced mbs in Riyadh in April. War even forced America’s president into a humiliating climbdown. On the campaign trail in 2020 Joe Biden had vowed to turn Saudi Arabia into a “pariah”. But on July 15th he went to make his peace with mbs – trying to avoid shaking mbs’s hand, he instead opted for a fist bump that left the two looking all the chummier. Even critics at home acknowledged mbs’s victory. “He made Biden look weak,” said a Saudi columnist in Jeddah. “He stood up to a superpower and won before the world.”

For mbs, this is a moment of triumph. His journey from the fringe of a photograph to the heart of power is almost complete. He will probably be king for decades. During that time, his country’s oil will be needed to sate the world’s enduring demand for energy..."
 - j.n. za "The Economist" by Nicolas Pelham

...a szkoda i...

zażenowanie jeśli czytam skwitowanie przez rządową Agencję "Xinhua"...

rozmowy polskiego prezydenta Dudy z chińskim przywódcą, panem Xi Jinpingiem
