poniedziałek, 23 maja 2022

..."Zelensky's choice" ?...

jeśli ma jakikolwiek rzeczywisty to tylko...

dzień po dniu rano pomiędzy garniturem a T-shirtem moro

collage by T.L. / zelensky – Szukaj w Google /

...powtórzę co po wielokroć już pisałem - wbrew medialnym pozorom polityka to...

jednak nie kabaret

na którego scenie można bezkarnie przykładem...

upokorzyć sprawującego Urząd Prezydenta Republiki Federalnej Niemiec ku uciesze gawiedzi...

"...In a stunning rebuke, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky [...] refused to host German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier


Zelensky’s snub comes just days after he rolled out the red carpet for British PM Boris Johnson and strolled around the Ukrainian capital with him.

Part of this is about Steinmeier specifically: during his two stints as German foreign minister – including in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea – he showed great deference to Moscow.

What’s more, he’s good buddies with former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who is famously cozy with the Kremlin himself.

But Zelensky is also peeved at the Germans more broadly for failing to kick their Russian gas habit and sever economic ties with Moscow.

Critics have also condemned Berlin for not sending Kyiv enough weapons.

Still, was Zelensky’s decision to shame Europe’s largest economy a wise move? After all, he will still need Germany on board to further isolate Vladimir Putin – economically and militarily.

That’s all the more true since Putin said Tuesday that peace talks with Kyiv have reached “a dead end,”..."

...albo "grzebać w cudzym portfelu" /nawiasem dodam; niezmiennie jak widać nadwiślańskim obyczajem.../...

dokładniej w rządowym funduszu emerytalnym - "Oljefondet" /Fundusz Naftowy/...

będącym zabezpieczeniem egzystencjalnym jak i żyjących, tak i przyszłych pokoleń Norwegów[2]...

"sceniczne pięć minut" Zelenskiego...

jak i prezydenta Dudy i premiera Morawieckiego w kwestii Ukrainy minęło - dziś już nie tylko "nad Potomac River" wiedzą...

Ukraina to jednak nie Europa...

...nie Norwegia, RFN, Francja czy Dania - jeśli jeszcze nie wszystkie to

któreś tam "Euro" z europejskiego rachunku wsparcia...

za Bugiem "znika"[3]...

"...[Americas'] policy that simply pushes logistics without any “pull” or supervision to ensure distribution according to prioritization of need simply does not work.

A handful of US contractors in country could have made a world of difference in this regard - and it is hard to imagine that the deployment of a few personnel tasked with coordinating distribution would constitute a red line triggering World War III.

Instead, the Territorial Defense Forces, the Ukrainian reserves in the west of the country, are often well-equipped while units on the front line go short of everything.

Is this corruption? Perhaps - but from what I have seen it is simply a case of commanders trying to take care of their own, not realizing that there is only a limited amount of US largesse to go around..."

co dopełnione zmianą przez Rosjan taktyki (...) czyni każdą zachodnią inwestycję zwaną "pomocą, wsparciem lub zaangażowaniem" co najmniej słabo rokującą...

jeśli nie wprost tym co potocznie nazywane jest...

"wyrzucaniem pieniędzy w błoto"...

a że ludzi szkoda, jak i Ukraińców tak i Rosjan ? - idąc w monologu na nie do końca sprawiedliwe skróty...

ich wybór (...)

...i dodawanie do tego rachunku narodów Europy jeśli nie byłoby wprost polityczną zbrodnią to

bez wątpienia zasługuje na miano głupoty...

[1] What We're Watching: Zelensky snubs Berlin [...] - GZERO Media

[2] "...Statssekretær Eivind Vad Petersson svarer generelt i en e-post at økte olje- og gassinntekter i all hovedsak går rett til Statens pensjonsfond utland (Oljefondet) for framtidige generasjoner..." - j.w.

[3] Corruption in Ukraine - Wikipedia

[4] The United States is Sending Billions in Military Aid to Ukraine—Just Not the Systems It Needs - Modern War Institute (usma.edu) - dopowiem; tekst autora przychylnego Ukrainie i zwolennika bezkompromisowej wojny z Rosją[5], pana Andrew Milburn'a "...retired from the Marine Corps as a colonel in 2019 after a thirty-one-year career. His last position in uniform was as deputy commander of Special Operations Command Central, and prior to that, commanding officer of the Marine Raider Regiment and Combined Special Operations Task Force – Iraq..." - tamże

[5] "...A ceasefire or stalemate [...] would leave Ukrainians under Russian occupation, subject to torture, rape, and execution. It would enable the Russians to regroup and rearm. It would allow Putin to claim victory, to posture and reposition for further offensive action. In short, it would be a de facto defeat -sending the world a message about the power of autocracy on the global stage, and a sobering reminder that a partnership with the United States can, in real terms, mean very little indeed..." - j.w.