z tym, że...
poza Stanami Zjednoczonymi Ameryki, Kanadą i /poniekąd/ Australią, które
w sytuacji skrajnej są zdolne przetrwać egzystencjonalnie w oparciu o surowce własne optymalnie długo...
tak reszta - czyli jak widać na mapie państwa Europy - nie[2]...
znamiennym na koniec
The West and its allies have presented a rare unified front against the Russian president’s attack. NATO is enjoying a surge of support within its member countries (and wannabe joiners). The EU has projected the role of a first-rate power. And co-ordinated efforts, including sanctions and banking restrictions, have punished Russia’s economy,
at least in the short term..." - j.w. /interlinie T.L./
z akcentem na
"By invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has divided the world..." - cokolwiek to tu może nieodwracalnością już dziś biegu zdarzeń znaczyć i...
choć niechętnie to w poprawności monologu muszę dodać
dopowiedzeniem - niezbywalnym uprawnieniem prezydenta Ukrainy jest prezentacja swoich racji na forum międzynarodowym ale
jeśli z premedytacją lub powodowany ignorancją[3] swoim wystąpieniem na forum ONZ
będącym treścią niczym innym jak kabaretową makabreską
"z hukiem zatrzaskuje za sobą drzwi" rozwiązań politycznych tragedii Narodu którego jest reprezentantem to
czy w zaciszu gabinetów możnych tego Świata
czy przy prowincjonalnych kontuarach barów jakkolwiek to zabrzmi...
można tylko Zełenskiemu podziękować - i tu i tam...
"problem z głowy"...
[1] "... The Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister company, has measured government actions globally since the war broke out, and countries’ historical ties with Russia, to divide the world into three broad categories: governments that are West-leaning, Russia-leaning and neutral amid the conflict..." - j.w.
[2] "...But together the countries opposing Russia account for only 36% of the world’s population.
Around two-thirds of people live in countries whose governments are either neutral or Russian-leaning..." - tamże...
o czym w tych rachubach należy z całą pewnością nie zapominać bowiem
tłumacząc na nasze to 64% populacji Świata w rożny sposób przyczynia się do
dobrobytu 36% i
można być pewnym, że te 64% nie ma nic przeciwko temu by "Putin" Świat zmienił takim
"By invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has divided the world..." - j.w.
...czy innym sposobem...
[3] "...“I am sure that our security issue will be number one in the next 10 years,” Zelenskyy said, dismissing the idea that post-war Ukraine would emulate a liberal European democracy such as Switzerland as a model. He said that the Ukrainian people “will be our great army”.
Zelenskyy also said that Ukraine would not be “absolutely liberal, European”; that it would have to undertake a different modus operandi.
“Ukraine will definitely not be what we wanted it to be from the beginning. It is impossible,” he told members of the Ukrainian media during a briefing.
“Absolutely liberal, European – it will not be like that. It [Ukraine] will definitely come from the strength of every house, every building, every person.”..." j.n.
Zelenskyy also said that Ukraine would not be “absolutely liberal, European”; that it would have to undertake a different modus operandi.
“Ukraine will definitely not be what we wanted it to be from the beginning. It is impossible,” he told members of the Ukrainian media during a briefing.
“Absolutely liberal, European – it will not be like that. It [Ukraine] will definitely come from the strength of every house, every building, every person.”..." j.n.
...w szwajcarskim sklepie, "Scene from Swiss daily life: a citizen coming back from shooting practice, wearing a regulation assault rifle (without magazine), and going shopping." źródło: File:Caroline-Migros-p1000507.jpg - Wikimedia Commons