środa, 27 kwietnia 2022

...nie tyle ważne tu co a kto...


pomyślałem czytając

jeszcze tymczasem tylko przy porannym kubku kawy...

"...The US defense secretary’s [Lloyd Austin] declaration that Washington wanted to see Russia weakened militarily and unable to recover quickly, marks a shift in Washington’s declared aims underlying its military support for Ukraine..." - j.n. po prawej...

"idac rakiem"

"...Colin Powell knew his name would be forever tied to the ill-fated U.S. 2003 invasion of Iraq, and that the lending of his reputation and personal prestige to the faulty intelligence used to justify the ensuing war was an indelible stain..." - j.w. po lewej...

i dalej

"...But “I don’t spend a lot of time looking in rear view mirrors, because you can’t change anything,” he said. “I’ve seen people eat themselves alive wondering what should have been done differently.”

True to his word, Powell, [...] did not dwell on Iraq. 

He spent most of the rest of his life giving speeches about leadership and American values..." - tamże /interlinia T.L./...


"...If I was writing the secretary’s talking points, I would prefer he said: our goal is that Ukraine wins, rather than our goal is to weaken Russia [...]" said Alina Polyakova, the president of the Center for European Policy Analysis..." - j.w. "The Guardian"

źródło: Alina Polyakova | CEPA [1]

...dlaczego ważne nie co a

kto ? - wbrew pozorom nic ponad jak tylko...

odnotowaniem w kontynuacji monologu

"...jak bywają pytania inspirujące, tak...

i czasami...


[1] "...is President and CEO of the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) as well as an adjunct professor of European studies at the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

Dr. Polyakova is a recognized expert on transatlantic relations, European security, Russian foreign policy, digital authoritarianism, and populism in democracies..."
- tamże