poniedziałek, 21 marca 2022

...u mnie zwyczajowo "szewski poniedziałek" a w realu...


"...Russsia's future..." 


"...has gone into exile..."

uciekając "spod buta i knuta" tyrana Putina

...szuka schronienia

w Turcji pana Recep Tayyipa Erdoğana ?...


...to pewnie "...tupot białych mew..." mój umysł mąci i

nie pozwala zrozumieć istoty przekazu zawartego w treści

"misjonarza"[1]  Ian Garnera

..."... "Young people [...] who want to build their lives, buy consumer goods and have a kind of middle-class lifestyle - they’re the ones who have been marginalized most by Putin’s decision to invade,"

said Ian Garner, a historian studying Russian wartime propaganda. "And these are the same people who are more likely to support the anti-war movement." - j.w.

...poczekam do wtorku

z nadzieją, że...

we wtorek  przytomnym już umysłem zrozumiem

[1] "...My academic work focuses on Soviet and Russian literary and cultural representations of war. I am on a mission to illuminate the hidden sides of Soviet and Russian life - a world of thoughts and feelings hidden behind closed doors and the Iron Curtain - through engaging wider western audiences in recent academic discoveries..." - Ian Garner | Russian History & Translation (igarner.net)