...meczet Al-Aksa stoi w Jerozolimie na
miejscu Pierwszej i reszkach Drugiej Świątyni - nie odwrotnie...
i tu mógłbym za Wami powtórzyć "...blah blah blah..." idąc na skróty w monologu z Wami
źródło: Israel’s doctrine: Humane bombing and benevolent occupation | Gaza | Al Jazeera
nim to zrobię dodam nic ponad jak tylko to
o czym obaj wiemy - w świecie muzułmańskim drugą namiętnie czytaną książką po "Koranie"...
od czasu jej pierwszego wydania
"Mein Kampf" Adolfa Hitlera[1]...dopowiadając sobie niemo odnotowaniem
"...The Zionist slogan of “A Land Without a People for a People Without a Land” was more or less true.
That doesn’t mean that there weren’t any Arabs living in Palestine before 1948, but rather that there were no Palestinians.
Instead Arabs saw themselves as residents of a particular village or area, or owing allegiance to one of the two powerful families in the area, the Husseinis and Nashashibis. [...]
The upshot of all this, of course, is the modern, self-identified Palestinian people was essentially created by the establishment of Israel..."[2]
...dla Was Bishara to hucpa /bezczelna arogancja.../ ?
"...“We can forgive you for killing our sons, but we will never forgive you for making us kill yours.”/Golda Meier/. "...That is chutzpah par excellance..." - j.w.
...niech i tak będzie - Wasz Marwan i
[2] 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War by Prof. Benny Morris | LibraryThing