niedziela, 14 kwietnia 2013

...w poszukiwaniu kropli sensu w oceanie nonsensu...

"Moscow will vote against an “obviously biased” new UN draft resolution on Syria, the Russian Foreign Ministry says..."

źródło: "Press TV"

I dalej...

"...According to the foreign ministry’s Saturday statement, the document to be put to vote at the UN General Assembly is “full of conflicting terms...” 

...czemu nawet przy bezmiarze dobrej woli wręcz niemożliwym jest zaprzeczyć...

"...On Monday, the al-Qaeda-inspired Islamic State of Iraq network officially announced its allegiance with Syria's foreign-backed and terrorist al-Nusra Front to play an even greater role in the Syrian conflict. 

While al-Qaeda-linked groups have been listed as terrorist entities subject to sanctions by the United Nations, militants in Syria, including those belonging to the al-Nusra Front, have been receiving all forms of support from the West..."

... uprawdopodobniając tym - zdawało by się sięgające zenitu absurdu - weekendowo barowe poszukiwania choćby tylko pozoru odrobiny sensu w oceanie bezsensu...

źródło: "this blog" - post z Sierpnia 2012 roku